Got An Upcoming Surgery? Physical Therapy Can Help You Before & After!

Did you know that having rehabilitation before surgery is just as critical as having it after surgery? It’s true! One of the most important times that you could seek physical therapy is when you are facing surgical correction of a joint or muscle. Physical therapy has proven time and time again to benefit a person as they prepare their body for surgical correction! Physical therapy before an operation also can enhance the recovery process, making it possible to return to full strength as quickly as possible following your surgical procedure.

Meeting with a physical therapist for the first time shouldn’t wait until after your surgical date! Pre-operative physical therapy is demonstrated to be just as valuable as postoperative physical therapy. If you are facing a surgical procedure, it may be a good idea to consult with your surgeon about your options for physical therapy. They can work with your physical therapist to come up with a swift plan of action to ensure the best results during recovery.

What are the benefits of having physical therapy before surgery?

Pre-surgical rehabilitation with physical therapy is designed to help the body recover as much strength as possible in the area surrounding the surgical site, so as to enhance the body’s ability to recover following your surgical procedure.

Bone&Joint’s website states that “prehabilitation allows [a] physical therapist to explain how your joints, ligaments and muscles work together to create movement. Pre-habilitation also allows your therapist to measure your current range of motion and discuss your goals for recovery after surgery. After surgery and rehabilitation, some people achieve a greater range of the movement or compete at higher levels than they did before their injury or condition.”

During pre-operative physical therapy, your physical therapist at our clinic will work with you to improve strength and functionality in the areas immediately surrounding the targeted injury site. They will also go over your post-operative treatment care plan with you and explain when you can expect to begin those exercises and stretches.

Many patients begin physical therapy as soon as they are able to stand, some as soon as the next day. Rest assured that your physical therapist’s goal is never to cause you pain or make you uncomfortable, so if you’re concerned about any part of your treatment, let him or her know.

Pre-surgical rehab with physical therapy often incorporates:

  • Hot and cold therapy
  • Massage
  • Stretching and mobility training
  • Muscle training

What are the benefits of having physical therapy after surgery?

Hearing that physical therapy may be necessary after surgery is usually not a surprise to many. The sooner you may begin physical therapy following surgical correction, the greater the impact physical therapy can have on your recovery!

It is typically recommended that you discuss your physical therapy options with your surgeon and physical therapist prior to surgery so that you can set up your first post-operative care session as soon as possible following your surgical date.

Physical therapy typically begins once the wound of the surgical site has healed and your body is ready to begin healing the actual torn tissue or damaged joint. If the corrected tissues, ligaments, tendons, and muscles, are left to recover without the use of physical therapy, they will become very stiff and scar tissue is likely to form. This will interfere with your range of motion and can also cause atrophy to occur, further limiting the amount of comfort and strength around the area that was operated on.

Post-surgical rehabilitation with physical therapy can help to alleviate pain, give you your strength back, and make your recovery “downtime” period much shorter. Your physical therapy program will be customized to your personal needs. At your first consultation with your physical therapist, you will discuss the severity of the injury if there was one as well as the details of your surgical procedure. From there, your physical therapist will assess your range of motion and level of strength, and work with your physician or surgeon to make sure they’re creating the best possible treatment care plan for you.

Most commonly, therapeutic techniques employed will include a combination of massage therapy, hot and cold therapy, range of motion / mobility training, and guided stretching and muscle training. Your physical therapist will also provide you with guidance for exercises that you should do at home, which will further help to improve your recovery process!

Are you ready to get on the path to recovery?

The recovery process is incredibly important both before and after undergoing any kind of surgical repair. As soon as you find out about your surgical plans, contact our physical therapy clinic. One of our skilled therapists will work with you and any other medical professionals tied to your surgery, to make sure you’re receiving the most thorough form of care possible. We can’t wait to watch your recovery! Contact us today!


Is Pain Keeping You From a Happy Life? Physical Therapy May Help!

Take a moment to pause and think about who you were five or ten years ago. What kinds of activities did you thrive from doing? Were you a runner? An afternoon gym warrior? Or did you just enjoy going for long evening walks with your dog?

Now, come back to the present moment. Do you still do these things? If not — what is stopping you? Is it within your control?

Sometimes we sustain injuries that cause aching joints, lingering pain, and other lasting negative effects. Maybe your pain is from surgery or another condition! Whatever ailment has been cramping your style is more than likely no match for physical therapy. If you want to get back to doing the activities you once loved but aren’t sure how to get started, call our office today to schedule an appointment with our physical therapist!

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy teaches patients how to achieve life-long health through prevention or management of most movement limitations. Think of a physical therapist as a movement specialist. If there is a physical condition limiting your ability to move, a physical therapist can help figure out how to either relieve or eliminate your problem.

Many people believe that physical therapy is only helpful in the case of recovery after operations. It’s not hard to understand the role physical therapy can play in your recovery after surgery. Once your body has been repaired and the wound has been closed, the next natural step is to visit with a physical therapist to regain the function you once had. What most people don’t realize is that physical therapy’s usefulness goes beyond post-surgical rehabilitation. The amount of issues that a physical therapist can help with is endless!

Problems a physical therapist can help solve

A physical therapist is qualified to treat problems with movement and balance anywhere in the body. These pain problems are generally categorized into three areas, and treatment may differ depending on what kind of condition you’re dealing with.

  • Acute injury. A physical therapist can help patients find relief from aches, pains, and balance problems associated with an injury. After car accidents, athletic injuries, or repetitive use injuries where the body’s structures are likely to repair themselves, patients are referred to physical therapy for pain relief, functional help, and future injury prevention.
  • Chronic aches and pains. Aging is a natural part of life. Over time, our bodies tend to break down with use, but that doesn’t mean that dealing with pain has to be normalized. Arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, and other chronic aches and pains can all be relieved with physical therapy.
  • Pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation. Most people are familiar with the role a physical therapist plays after surgery, but that isn’t the only time their expertise can come in handy! Recent studies have found that pre-surgical physical therapy shortens recovery time in patients who have cancer surgery, heart surgery or total joint replacement surgery.

Physical therapy after surgery can also help you prevent any painful and limiting scar tissue buildup, regain your mobility and balance, increase your flexibility, and strengthen the affected area of your body.

What should I expect with treatment?

A physical therapist begins by assessing your current movement and pain level. They may order imaging studies through x-rays, MRI or ultrasound to get a clear picture of the structures in your problem areas.

They will also put you through functional testing that measures your balance, movement ability, and limitations if there are any.

Next, a physical therapist prescribes your treatment plan. This may include:

  • Exercises you can do at home to increase the effectiveness of physical therapy.
  • Stretching to relieve pain and increase range of motion.
  • Functional exercises to help you increase your strength and flexibility.
  • Manual therapies such as massage and ultrasound to reduce pain and inflammation.

Periodically, your physical therapist will evaluate your progress and make adjustments to your treatment plan. The goal is to help you get back to the activities you love as quickly as possible, with the best long-term results possible.

Get back to living a healthy, full life again!

We often don’t realize how much we give up when we are limited by aches, pains, or injuries. Physical therapy can help you to see that there is still a full, fun, exceptional way of life still available to you! Still curious if physical therapy is right for you? Call our office in Dublin, GA today to schedule a consultation and find out how physical therapy can get you back to enjoying your life, doing the things you love.


Do Aches and Pains Make You Dread Mornings? Physical Therapy Has Got You Covered!

Waking up sore and achy can really zap the energy and positivity out of your day. The worst part is that if you don’t address that achiness and soreness first thing, then those feelings are likely to very quickly translate themselves into fatigue, meaning that you are likely to face the entire day feeling sluggish and ready for bed.

At the end of a long day, feeling a little sore is somewhat normal. After all, you’ve been pushing your body for somewhere between 12 – 16 hours, taking care of your family, your pets, your office concerns, and your home—who wouldn’t feel a bit sore, right? But in the morning, that soreness is a whole different experience and can sometimes make you lose your will to even get up out of bed to start your day!

The best thing to do when you wake up feeling sore and achy is to take matters into your own hands right from the start. We’ve put together a list of four ways you can begin to prevent and fight back against nagging aches at the beginning of your day!

4 ways to conquer morning aches and pains once and for all!

1. Consider starting physical therapy. Physical therapists are trained movement specialists. If you are experiencing aches and pains from the moment you wake up in the morning, then it may be time to have those aches and pains assessed by a physical therapist who knows what to look for when it comes to limitations with your movement. Physical therapy can provide you with the tools and strategies you need to feel more comfortable morning to night.

You’d be surprised at what a little bit of exercise and education can do for your overall health. Be sure to talk to your therapist about the areas you’re experiencing pain in so that they can properly assess your condition and create the best possible course of action for treatment!

2. Stay hydrated. You’d be amazed at what a bit of proper hydration can do for your body and overall health. We don’t think about it, but when you are dehydrated, your body is working from behind! Not only does being dehydrated affect your mood and ability to focus, but it can also make it uncomfortable for certain joints and muscles to move like they normally would.

Water helps to lubricate the joints and energize your muscles. Waking up dehydrated and going directly for that cup of coffee is only going to leave you feeling achier and more dehydrated. Try adding a large glass of ice water to your morning routine, prior to that cup of caffeine, and see how much better you feel come lunchtime.

3. Try a warm bath or shower before bed. Most of us enjoy soothing baths for the sake of pampering ourselves, but baths can also be therapeutic for aches and pains. Soaking in a warm tub can really help to alleviate stress and tension in your muscles and joints. Hot and cold therapy is a commonly recommended form of physical therapy and can be helpful with improving sleep patterns and reducing stress. If you don’t have time in the morning for a warm bath, consider adding this to your evening routine. Cutting out a bit of TV time and adding a bit of relaxation with warm water can help you to sleep more soundly and may reduce some of those common aches and pains. The more often you do this for yourself, the less it’ll feel like a way to relieve pain, and the more it’ll just become a regular part of your relaxation routine.

4. Try stretching in the morning. Yoga is a great form of exercise, but especially in the morning! A morning yoga routine can go a long way in helping you to stretch out those aches and pains. Stretching your muscles and easing those sore joints before heading to work can give you a bit more energy and help you to feel a bit more comfortable at your desk all day. There are plenty of ways to get started with a morning stretching routine. Yoga routines are easily found online, and you can ask your physical therapist for guidance as to the best stretches for your exact source of pain.

Are you ready to be a morning person again?

Waking up with aches and pains is no fun for anyone. If you are experiencing discomfort regularly in the morning, it may be worth your while to assess your sleeping posture and arrangements. An old mattress, an uncomfortable pillow, or a stressful sleeping arrangement can cause pain in the neck, back, and shoulders.

Making slight modifications to your evening and nighttime routine may help you feel better in the morning. For more guidance on dealing with morning aches and pains, contact our office in Dublin, GA!


Are You Ready to Leave the Pain Meds Behind? Physical Therapy Can Provide You With the Relief You Need

Did You Know Physical Therapy Has Proven to Be Even More Effective Than Opioids?

It seems like every time you turn on the news there is another story about the opioid epidemic gripping the country.

There is good reason for the panic. In 2016 alone, 116 people died each day from opioid-related drug overdoses. Some 11.5 million Americans misused prescription painkillers in some way, costing an estimated $504 million in economic costs.

Some researchers even feel that many people who would otherwise be able to work are sidelined because they would fail a drug test. As mind-blowing as these numbers are, to a person who uses prescription pain medication for pain relief, opioids may seem like the only option.

Fortunately, there is another way to manage your pain. Contact Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine today to find out more about how physical therapy can help you ditch the pain meds for good.

The benefits of physical therapy

A physical therapist’s job is not only to manage pain, but also to improve function. Your physical therapy program may include stretches, ultrasound, manual therapies and a combination of ice and heat for pain relief, but it will not stop there.

Your physical therapist will begin to address mobility, flexibility and strength as they apply to the activities of your daily life.

If you are one of the more than 116 million people who struggle with chronic pain, chances are you are also limited in your ability to walk, stand, run, move, work, play and perform daily activities.

Physical therapists address all of these functions and more as they work with you to strengthen your body, improve your balance and stability and enhance your quality of life.

The unintended benefits of physical therapy don’t stop with the body. They reach your brain as well. Chronic pain and prescription pain medication use can lead to anxiety, depression and isolation.

Working with a physical therapist gives you a partner in your pain relief journey. This sense of community can help address the mental toll pain takes on a person in a way that opioids cannot.

Understanding the natural healing methods of physical therapy

Since opioids mask the pain without treating its underlying cause, many people are choosing to forgo pain meds altogether in favor of a more natural treatment.

Fortunately, physical therapy not only helps relieve pain, it addresses what is causing the pain in the first place. A physical therapist is a highly trained medical professional, but he or she also is an expert in the science of movement.

Through advanced diagnostic procedures, your physical therapist can uncover the source of your pain and find ways to address it for long-term health and mobility. Best of all, physical therapy is a drug-free way to manage chronic pain.

Even living with chronic conditions doesn’t mean you need to live with opioids

It is fairly common for people who suffer from arthritis pain to resort to expensive surgery, steroid injections, and prescription medications to cope with their pain. Sometimes, these treatments can actually benefit patients with severe arthritis. More often than not, the better route to go involves physical therapy and natural treatments.

Arthritis does not discriminate either, and although it tends to be found often in elderly patients, it can affect anyone at any age. According to a study on JAMA, “[rheumatoid] arthritis (RA) occurs in about 5 per 1000 people and can lead to severe joint damage and disability.” Arthritis is also one of the top causes of disability in America. If left untreated by a professional, patients suffering from arthritis can experience extremely painful symptoms for long periods of time.

If you want to learn more about how physical therapy can benefit you and decrease your arthritis pain, give our office a call today.

Opioids are never the answer – here’s why

To understand why opioids are so dangerous, you first have to understand how your brain processes pain. Let’s say you bang your knee on the door jamb. Pain receptors in your skin register that something happened to your knee.

Those receptors send signals to your brain and spinal cord. There, your brain processes those signals as pain, and your body produces natural opioids to stop them. These chemicals slow your breathing, create a feeling of well-being, and block pain signals so you can return to a pain-free state.

When you have chronic pain, severe injury, surgery or significant trauma, your brain cannot produce enough opioids to keep up with the demand. Prescription medication mimics the chemicals your body naturally produces, relieving pain, but they do not help your body heal.

Find effective relief today

Don’t join the opioid epidemic. Contact our physical therapist in Dublin, GA today and find out how physical therapy can help you live a full, pain-free, functional life.

Living With Pain? Don’t Turn to Drugs – Treat it Naturally with Physical Therapy

Did You Know Physical Therapy Can Treat Pain Even More Effectively Than Pain-Relieving Drugs?

Pain can be a helpful messenger, an alert that something in your body needs fixing ‒ but it can also be an agonizing annoyance that ruins your quality of life.

To make matters worse, many pain problems are rooted in deep-set underlying conditions, often originating in a different part of the body than the part exhibiting symptoms.

Medication may mask your pain temporarily, but it isn’t going to solve a chronic underlying functional problem. For a more meaningful pain solution, take advantage of the drug-free options we offer at Rehab Advantage.

Treating pain the natural way with physical therapy

Our physical therapists can succeed where painkilling drugs fail. Once we understand the actual origin point of your pain, we can prescribe a physical therapy regimen aimed at correcting (or at least reducing) that functional abnormality.

Our physical therapists may start by addressing your immediate discomfort with passive physical therapy techniques. These natural treatment techniques can include any combination of:

  • Electrical muscle stimulation, which uses tiny amounts of current to stimulate your body’s natural painkillers (endorphins)
  • Heat or cold applications to reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Ultrasound therapy, in which sound waves enhance blood flow and relax tight muscle fibers
  • Deep tissue massage to break an adhesions grip on your internal tissues

Once you’re responding to passive physical therapy, we can introduce active physical therapy. Our physical therapists can prescribe exercises that address both localized pain and referred pain problems.

For instance, gentle stretching exercises from our physical therapists can loosen tight, painful muscles and increase mobility in arthritic joints, while core training exercises that correct your balance may relieve chronic strain or neurological symptoms in the body.

How effective is physical therapy as a drug-free natural pain solution? The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) states that non-pharmaceutical pain treatment is to be preferred over pharmaceuticals such as opioids ‒ and may actually do a better job of controlling pain conditions.

Treating pain at its source

The cause of acute pain may be clear enough, especially if it accompanies an auto accident injury, work injury, infection, operation or other event. As the affected part of your body heals, the pain generally fades away.

But this is not necessarily the case with some forms of pain. Chronic pain may linger for months or years with no obvious cause in sight. This pain may be due to:

  • Areas of internal scar tissue buildup that restrict neighboring muscles and connective tissues (adhesions)
  • Muscle weakness, knots or spasms related to poor posture or an unbalanced body
  • Degenerative joint conditions such as osteoarthritis, which produce chronic pain and inflammation
  • Chronic overuse injuries such as tendinitis, plantar fasciitis or carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, which may affect both nerves and muscles
  • Extended disuse after a lengthy recovery period (such as frozen shoulder after many weeks with your arm in a sling)

Modern medicine tends to turn to drugs early and often in an effort to alleviate pain problems. Unfortunately, this approach may turn out to be nothing more than a stopgap.

The drugs may mute the pain for a few hours, but the underlying problem that’s causing the pain remains untreated. As long as that problem persists, so will your long-term pain problems.

This may force you to use more and more medication ‒ a troubling proposition, especially for addictive personalities or individuals who are already on other medications.

So, why choose physical therapy over opioids?

As stated by the APTA website, “The White House has announced that APTA is among the organizations that have joined a public-private partnership to combat opioid usage and prescription drug abuse, and that the association will reach out to the public and its members to deliver the message that pain can be effectively managed through conservative, non drug approaches.

Physical therapists can help individuals manage pain, and greater use of physical therapy could make a real impact on the tragic levels of drug abuse in this country—abuse that often begins with a prescription for pain medication.”

If you are living with pain, you don’t need to turn to the pain-relieving effects of drugs. Physical therapy can help you find that same relief, at a long-term level. Are you ready to find relief from your pain? Our team of physical therapists can help.

Contact us today for safe, natural, and effective pain relief

Our physical therapists are ready to help you stop your pain at its source, with no need for drugs. Call Rehab Advantage today to schedule your appointment!

Dealing With Stress-Related Headaches? Here’s 3 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help!

Don’t Let Chronic Headaches Get In The Way Anymore.

Did you know that headaches are the third most common pain complaint? It’s true. Headaches are extremely common and can be so debilitating to the point that they impact a person’s quality of life. Dealing with headaches on the daily alone can be very isolating and leave a person feeling exhausted.

Fortunately, through physical therapy, long term relief is possible. A trained physical therapist can help you achieve immediate pain relief from stress-related headaches as well as any other pain conditions or ailments that may be contributing to your discomfort. Below we have outlined the different types of headaches and the causes for them, and explain how physical therapy can help.

Types of Headaches

Most people experience headaches as they grow older. Many headaches go away on their own and don’t need medical intervention. However, severe headaches that recur frequently and interfere with quality of life often demand attention from a professional.

First, you must identify the type of headache you’re experiencing. Then from there, a comprehensive treatment plan can be created according to your specific needs for pain relief. Physical therapists are skilled at diagnosing different types of headaches and can develop simple strategies for pain relief from stress-related headaches.

Below are 10 common types of headaches, according to Healthline.

  • Cluster
  • Hormone
  • Caffeine
  • Migraine or sinus
  • Stress (tension)
  • Post-traumatic
  • Exertion
  • Rebound
  • Hypertension

If you’re unsure what kind of headache you’re experiencing, no problem! Your physical therapist will be able to diagnose and treat it accordingly.

What Are Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches often appear as a result of high-stress levels, poor posture, neck or jaw problems, fatigue, or arthritis. It’s also possible to experience them when feeling anxious or depressed.

Tension headaches occur when the neck and scalp muscles contract or become tense, and people can start experiencing them at any age, although they’re the most common type of headache in adults and older teens.

Stress-related headaches generally start at the back of the head and progress to the top of the head and eyes. Sometimes, you may even feel pain on your face along your jaw and cheeks when experiencing this kind of headache. Many people have compared this type of pain to wearing a tight hat, having their hair tightly pulled back, or having their head squeezed.

How Can a Physical Therapist Help Reduce Stress-Related Headache Pain?

A licensed physical therapist can conduct a complete physical exam of your body and condition, as well as ask you the appropriate questions regarding your health history. He or she will be able to figure out what type of headache you’re experiencing and determine the best way to combat it and bring much-needed pain relief.

During your first visit, you can expect most of the following:

  • Manual therapy to ascertain the mobility of joints and muscles in your neck
  • Examination of your posture while engaged in different activities
  • Tests of your muscle strength
  • Questions regarding previous injuries to your back, jaw, and head areas
  • Questions about the types of pain symptoms experienced
  • Measurements regarding the range of motion of your shoulders, neck and other relevant parts of the body

Depending on whether your physical therapist determines that you’re dealing with stress-related headaches, you will begin to work together to create a care plan that will successfully meet your physical health goals. If your physical therapist’s evaluation determines a different type of headache, he or she will likely refer you to a different type of healthcare professional for treatment.

3 Improvements Physical Therapy Can Make To Reduce Headaches

Although the end goal of physical therapy is pain relief, there are some critical things along the way that your physical therapist will help you address so that you can achieve a decrease in pain.

Some of These Include:

  1. Posture improvement. How your posture is held during the day significantly impacts your pain levels and the likelihood of experiencing a stress-related headache. Your physical therapist will teach you how to improve your posture for a greater quality of life.
  2. Adjusting the way your neck moves. Your physical therapist can use manual therapy to stretch muscles in your neck to relieve pain and increase range of motion.
  3. Improved strength and muscle ability. You’ll learn exercises to help strengthen the muscles that control your upper back and neck. This way your posture will improve, and you’ll be able to sit or stand for long periods without experiencing pain and discomfort.

Methods of Pain Relief

Every individual’s treatment plan is different, but many physical therapists use a lot of the same methods. A few examples are soft tissue mobilization, heat or ice compressions, muscular releases, cervical traction, body mobilization, stretching, strengthening, muscle energy techniques, and McKenzie-based diagnosis and therapy of the spine.

With all treatment plans, you can expect to receive information that will supplement your in-office experience. This way you’ll be able to continue strengthening your muscles at home on your own and speed up your recovery time!

Contact Our Office Today

There’s no reason you need to continue living in constant pain and discomfort with so many treatment options available to you. Contact Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine today to experience long-lasting pain relief from stress-related headaches and improve your quality of life!


3 Common Types of Arthritis Physical Therapy Can Treat Without Medications

Say Goodbye To Harmful Medications Today

Arthritis is a pretty common term used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and disease. Many people believe that arthritis only affects elderly people, but this is far from the truth. According to Healthline, “the symptoms of arthritis usually develop over time, but they may also appear suddenly. Arthritis is most commonly seen in adults over the age of 65, but it can also develop in children, teens, and younger adults. Arthritis is more common in women than men and in people who are overweight.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, about 30 percent of male athletes who regularly play contact sports such as football, basketball, or soccer will develop arthritis in their knees and hips at some point.

Many people attempt to ease their pain with over-the-counter medications, but unfortunately, these can cause some nasty, long-lasting side effects. Have no fear though, if you’re looking for a natural and safe treatment for arthritis pain, physical therapy is a great option! Contact Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine today to learn how you can kick your medications while still relieving your arthritis pain.

Physical Therapy Can Relieve All Types of Arthritis Pain!

Metabolic Arthritis: This kind of arthritis is typically caused by reduced kidney function. The most common type of metabolic arthritis is gout, a condition caused by uric acid crystals building up in the joints of the extremities, especially the feet. Physical therapy can help gout patients restore range of motion in the affected area and even reduce the buildup of the acidic crystals that accumulate in the joints.

Inflammatory Arthritis: With some cases of arthritis, the body’s immune system will attack joint tissues and cause intense inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is one example of this type of condition. Inflammatory arthritis often stems from a genetic cause, and it is usually treated with heavy doses of drugs and over-the-counter medications. However, depending on the severity of symptoms, physical therapy may be recommended for treatment as well.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This particular condition is caused by a reduction in joint cartilage as it wears away over time. This degeneration causes bones to rub together, which leads to pain and swelling. Physical therapy can often help to reduce osteoarthritis pain without medication, especially if the arthritis is mild to moderate.

Medications For Arthritis

It’s pretty common for doctors to prescribe an NSAID pain reliever to a patient with arthritis, such as Advil or ibuprofen, antibiotics, corticosteroids, or antirheumatic drugs. Even though these can provide temporary pain relief, they all carry a risk of side effects, some of which can be extremely serious. NSAIDs can cause you to have a higher chance of developing a blood clot, having a stroke or heart attack. Corticosteroids aren’t much better — they contribute to high blood sugar levels, cataracts, and even bone loss, which is the last thing a patient with arthritis needs!

What Does Physical Therapy for Arthritis Include?

Physical therapy is a 100% safe, natural, and effective method of pain management. Your physical therapist will be trained and licensed to handle your condition with care. When you work with a physical therapist to manage arthritis pain, the ultimate goals will include preserving or restoring your normal range of motion, increasing muscle strength to reduce stress on the joints, and other natural treatment options.

Here are some of the benefits of working with our physical therapists:

  • Weight control: Your physical therapist will work with you to control your weight through exercise and diet. Watching your weight prevents added stress on your joints, which is a leading cause of arthritis symptoms.
  • Improved posture: A physical therapist can help you to improve your posture, which will also help to reduce stress on your joints. Sitting and standing up straight does wonders for your pain!
  • Learn new exercises and stretches: Physical therapy treatment typically includes light exercises and stretching to help restore and increase range of motion in the affected painful areas.
  • Better sleep schedule: Your physical therapist will also recommend setting a solid schedule for rest and sleep to complement your exercises. Resting helps the body to heal faster and decrease arthritis inflammation and pain.

Contact Our Office Today To Learn More

You don’t have to live in pain anymore. Whether your arthritis condition is in your hands, knees, or ankles, or whether it has been caused by aging or playing sports, our physical therapists can help you! Keep in mind that every treatment regimen is different based on a patient’s needs and their particular type of arthritis. The best way to get started on a med-free treatment through physical therapy is by calling and scheduling an appointment with one of our therapists at Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine.

He or she will assess your condition, pinpoint the source of your pain, ask you some health-related questions, and create a specialized treatment plan specifically catered to you and your needs. Say goodbye to harmful medication. Contact Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine today to get on the road to recovery from arthritis pain!

Kiss Lower Back Pain Goodbye: How Physical Therapy Can Help

Many people suffer from lower back pain and have no idea how to find lasting relief. Dealing with this kind of pain can take time away from relaxing, working, spending time with family, and enjoying life overall. Not to mention it can keep a person feeling extremely irritable, stressed out, and can lead to a variety of other health issues!

The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of work are lost due to low back pain. Lower back pain is the leading cause of activity limitation and work absence throughout much of the world, imposing a high economic burden on individuals, families, communities, industry, and governments.

If you’re dealing with this kind of pain, there’s no question about it: you want relief and you want it now. A licensed physical therapist can help guide you through the necessary treatment to get back to your daily life, without pain. Contact Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine today to learn more!

Types of Physical Therapy Treatment

Physical therapy is a specific type of treatment that targets the management of disabilities and injuries. A physical therapist is skilled at alleviating all kinds of pain, including back pain. Physical therapy encourages healing and is a great treatment option to restore range of motion and functional mobility. These types of therapists are trained and knowledgeable regarding conservative management techniques including the rehabilitation of patients with neurologic, cardiovascular, and orthopedic conditions.

There are typically two main parts of every physical therapy program — passive physical therapy and active physical therapy — even though each patient receives a customized treatment plan specific to their condition. Passive physical therapy reduces a patient’s pain levels and makes them more manageable. Active physical therapy involves exercises that patients do independently.

How Does Passive Physical Therapy Benefit You?

Lower back pain can be so debilitating that you can’t be as active as you normally are. It can get in the way of literally everything! Because of this, it is imperative for a physical therapist to decrease your pain as much as possible so that you can start participating in your treatment.

These techniques and tools are commonly referred to as passive therapy because they are done to a patient by a physical therapist.

  • Manual therapies
  • Massage
  • Electrical stimulation, such as TENS Units
  • Heat/ice packs
  • Ultrasound
  • Iontophoresis
  • Dry needling
  • Hydrotherapy

Some of these methods (such as hot/cold packs and massage therapy) are used to improve blood flow and restore circulation to the affected area, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.

Physical therapists also often use electrical stimulation therapy. This is a non-invasive, painless treatment that delivers electrical waves through your nervous system to reduce muscle spasms, and encourage your body to produce pain-relieving hormones.

Physical therapy also includes hydrotherapy treatment. This kind of treatment involves performing low-intensity movements in water to relieve pressure on muscles. Water allows you to move your joints without discomfort.

How Does Active Physical Therapy Benefit You?

Active physical therapy is different from passive because it involves exercises the patient must do, instead of actions being performed on the patient by the therapist. These exercises are normally utilized later in treatment, once your lower back pain has been decreased enough for you to do them without experiencing too much discomfort.

There are tons of exercises that your physical therapist might recommend. Many of them involve targeted stretches, stability training, and strength training. Some of these exercises can improve your range of motion, and others can build up and restore the muscles around affected areas to provide those parts of the body with proper support.

What to Expect During Your Physical Therapy Appointment

Upon your first visit to our clinic, your physical therapist will ask you many health related questions about your medical history and lower back pain. Allowing them to have this information will help your therapist provide you with the best treatment plan so that you experience long-lasting results.

Your therapist will also conduct a thorough examination of your body. Depending on your symptoms, your physical therapist might assess your flexibility, strength, balance, posture, coordination, blood pressure, and heart and respiration rates. They might use their hands to touch and evaluate your back and surrounding areas to check for tightness. They will also visually assess your mobility.

During your treatment, your physical therapist will provide you with special exercises to perform at home so that you can minimize pain, avoid re-injury, lessen strain, and speed up your recovery time. They may also recommend certain technology or equipment that can aid you in recovery, and spend time educating you about where your source of pain is coming from, as well as pain management strategies.

If you’re ready to alleviate (or even eliminate!) your pain, contact Rehab Advantage to learn more about how physical therapy can help you live a pain-free life.


Proper Nutrition Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Are We Really What We Eat?

If you’re seeing a physical therapist already for internal inflammation, then you already know that this is a condition that can seriously affect your overall health. Whether you have a specific diagnosis for your inflammation (such as osteoarthritis) or you’re not entirely sure what’s causing your pain in your back and joints, physical therapy can help.

According to Harvard Health, chronic inflammation can also lead to a variety of health ailments such as heart disease and diabetes. Eating healthy is one way to reduce inflammation. Your physical therapist might recommend a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods for additional pain relief. Read on to learn more about what kinds of foods cause inflammation, and what foods you should be eating to reduce inflammation as well!

What Foods Cause Inflammation?

Oftentimes, people choose convenience over health when it comes to what they eat. One of the fastest ways to reverse inflammation caused by an unhealthy diet is to stop consuming the foods associated with it! This means that if you want ultimate pain relief, you will need to adjust how you view preparing meals and what snacks you’re eating throughout the day.

You might be reading this and groaning, “I already know I eat so many things that aren’t good for me! I just ate an oatmeal cream pie an hour ago!” This is the truth — you probably do already know that sugary foods are bad for your waistline and your heart, so that’s no surprise there. Whether your favorite snack foods are overly sweet or salty, it’s time to start slowly easing them out of your meals and opting for healthier snacks in between.

Junk food and processed packaged meals are full of added sugar, preservatives, and unhealthy trans fat. You should also avoid eating too much red meat, fried foods, doughnuts, pastries, white rice, and white bread. These are some of the worst options for you to eat if you’re particularly sensitive to inflammation and painful flare-ups.

What Can You Replace Inflammatory Foods With?

Have no fear, there are plenty of health and easy alternatives to eating overly processed, unhealthy meals. You can swap out white bread with whole-grain, white rice with brown rice, and semolina pasta with garbanzo bean pasta! Instead of having a hamburger for lunch, turn to better options such as fish, chicken, or veggie burgers.

Make sure that if you’re taking fish oil pils for omega-3 inflammation protection, you’re also adding more actual fish to your diet! The fish that have the highest Omega-3 fats are herring, salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel and tuna. All of these may provide some pain relief when inflammation is the culprit.

Knowing how to properly prepare your food in an anti-inflammatory diet is important as well. You should not fry foods or order fried foods for take out or when you go to a restaurant. Instead, choose foods that have been grilled, roasted, or steamed!

Instead of heaping on side dishes containing creamy sauces or dressings, opt for salads and greens with tomato salsa, vinaigrettes, greek yogurt, lemon juice, fruit salsa, or herbal olive oil.

Herbs, Spices, Supplements: Oh My!

When you’re searching for healthy substitutions, look for more nutritional foods and options that will make a direct impact on your inflammation and swelling. Add these to what you’re eating every week, and see if your health improves overall in response.

Many herbs, spices, and supplements are anti-inflammatory and can provide exceptional pain relief. Fish oil and multivitamin pills are two supplements that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Choosing a good herbal supplement such as green tea, cat’s claw, devil’s claw, and boswellia are great ways to develop a healthier diet. Turmeric and fresh or powdered ginger are also good options to sprinkle on foods or steep as a soothing beverage. There are tons of great recipes out there for herbal drinks as well!

Eating Fruits & Veggies Is Key

Have you ever noticed how the colors of recommended fruits and vegetables create a rainbow? This “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables is excellent for heart health and boosted immunity. Eating colorful foods also fights inflammation. Try to fit more colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet. Dark green veggies like spinach and kale, orange veggies such as sweet potatoes and carrots, red and purple foods like tomatoes and beets, and yellow ones like corn and sweet peppers are excellent choices to slip into your meals and snack dishes.

Contact Our Physical Therapy Office Today!

It’s true that nutrition and a healthy diet can help combat inflammation, but that’s not all! It’s important to consult with a physical therapist about other ways to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as stay in flexible shape. Physical therapists can teach you how your exercise routine can be adjusted to fit with your dietary changes. Together, these changes will reduce your pain and inflammation that causes you discomfort. Contact Rehab Advantage today to learn more about how physical therapy and an anti-inflammatory diet can make a difference in your life!


Let Physical Therapy Save You From Arthritis Pain!

Your Days of Living In Pain Are Over

Do You Have Arthritis Pain?

Have you been consistently suffering from pain in your lower back, knees, hands, hips, or joints? The culprit might be arthritis. Arthritis is a joint disorder causing pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation. In the case that only a single joint is inflamed, the condition is known as monoarthritis. If two or three joints are involved, it’s referred to as oligoarthritis. Many people struggling with arthritis experience a loss of movement or a decrease in their range of motion, because their joints are just too swollen to move.

If you are struggling with joint pain or arthritis, you might tend to lean on over the counter medications for relief, but this is only temporary. What you need is a safe, natural, long-lasting pain relief. Physical therapy can provide this for you! Contact Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine today to learn more about physical therapy and how a customized treatment plan could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Types of Arthritis

There are over 100 types of arthritis. Below is a list of some of the most common ones and what part of the body they affect the most.

  1. Osteoarthritis. This condition occurs due to wear and tear of the cartilage. It typically affects the spine, hands, knees, and hips.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. This results from an overactive immune system. It affects the hands, feet, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles.
  3. Psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis typically affects large joints, causing inflammation in the places where tendons and ligaments connect to bone.
  4. Gout. This condition is extremely painful and occurs when there is an increased level of uric acid in your bloodstream.

Arthritis is the most common chronic illness in the nation. According to, “More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children have some type of arthritis. It is most common among women and occurs more frequently as people get older.” This is most likely why there is a misconception that arthritis only affects the elderly.

Arthritis can render people unable to work, and many suffering from it are forced to go on disability. Arthritic pain can seriously interrupt a person’s routine, quality of life, and overall mobility.

Physical therapy for arthritic pain has been proven by research to be highly effective. If you suffer from arthritic pain be sure to call Rehab Advantage & Sports Medicine to schedule an appointment with one of our skilled physical therapists.

How Arthritis is Diagnosed

When you visit your physical therapist for the first time, he or she will examine your joints for deformity and inflammation, look for signs of disease and review your history of symptoms. They might also order blood or urine tests, x-rays, or joint fluid tests.

The earlier your arthritis is caught and diagnosed, the better chance you have of keeping your strength and mobility later in life. Early diagnosis can prevent disability and irreversible damage. Your physical therapist will recommend exercise routines, medications, and rest. It’s important that you do the proper, safe exercises to avoid injury, so make sure you listen up when your physical therapist is giving you tips!

How Physical Therapy Treatment Can Help Arthritis

Physical therapy is all about engaging in physical activity and exercise to improve your overall health. Getting regular physical activity is essential to achieving the maximum levels of both physical and mental health, and it is critical for the management of arthritis.

A physical therapist will create a treatment program that addresses all areas of the body. For example, if you suffer from arthritis pain in the knee an exercise program will address the lower back, hip, and ankle, in addition to the knee. This is because all of these areas contribute to proper knee control. Proper lifting and squatting techniques may also be a part of the treatment plan as well as carrying heavy objects the right way so you can learn how to reduce unnecessary strain on your back.

Your physical therapy treatment might also include manual therapy with soft tissue mobilization, deep tissue massage, TENS, ice packs, and heat therapy. All of these treatments are passive modalities that reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, reduce pain and enhance mobility and range of motion.

All around, physical therapy is a safe, natural, and noninvasive method for arthritis pain.

Contact Our Office Today!

Arthritis pain can be exhausting, miserable, and debilitating for those who suffer from it. It’s even worse that as of today, there is no cure for it. However, thankfully we have physical therapy as an option, which is a safe, natural, and noninvasive method for arthritis pain.

A physical therapist will be able to customize a therapeutic exercise program to improve your mobility and strength. If you’re suffering from arthritis pain, be sure to schedule an appointment with one of our certified physical therapists. We are 100% committed to your success. Our research-driven treatments will help you get fast pain relief, and get your life back on track!